Jennifer Hillier

top ten lists

Top ten movies I liked just as much as the books

Holy crap, there are movies I liked JUST AS MUCH as the books?  A rare statement from a writer, to be sure, but sometimes Hollywood gets it right. Sometimes. Here are my top 10 picks (and before you think mean thoughts, this does not mean I liked the movies...

Ten not-so-random numbers

Not a top 10 list in the true sense, but an interesting assortment of numbers nonetheless... 7– the number of drafts I wrote before querying agents 96 – the number of queries I sent 10 – the number of requests I received 48 – the number of rejections I received 46 –...

My ten favorite Princess Bride movie quotes

You won't understand these if you haven't seen the movie.  But if you have seen the movie, and have seen it about fifty times (like me), these will make you smile.  Read them out loud.  You know you want to. 10.Inigo Montoya:  Hello.  My name...

Top ten pet peeves about books

10.  Books printed in tiny font.  This isn't an issue with the mass market books produced now, because they're bigger.  But I have a lot of older mass market books from a few years ago that are hard to read because the font is so small. 9. ...
