As a participant of the Origins blogfest (hosted by the wonderful DL Hammons, Alex J. Cavanaugh, and Creepy Query Girl Katie Mills), I am posting an article I actually wrote for a UK crime blog back in December. It may be cheating, but it fits! There is a very...
Research 101
10 things I hate about villains
Yes, I can feel your shock. Because I'm normally very kind to villains on this blog. They're my favorite characters, after all, but just because they're my favorite doesn't mean they're perfect. Here are 10 things that annoy me about villains: 10. They're...
An afternoon at the Washington Corrections Center for Women: Part 4
Click here for Part 1 Click here for Part 2 Click here for Part 3 From what Sergeant B can remember, there have been four escape attempts from the WCCFW. Three were from work crews (programs that allow offenders to work outside the prison, usually doing maintenance...
An afternoon at the Washington Corrections Center for Women: Part 3
Click here for Part 1 Click here for Part 2 Sergeant B and I headed to Intake, which is where offenders are processed when they first arrive at the prison. All offenders will come from a county jail somewhere else in the state. They'll arrive in a bus, and will be...