We interrupt our contest programming to bring you a few short announcements: I'm interviewed at horror author Luke Walker's blog today, where I discuss tipples, Stephen King, and what a mean boy said to me in a workshop. I got a brief mention in Canada's National Post...
Jeffery Deaver
Pinball wizard
Happy new year! I am once again a Canadian resident. We made the drive from Seattle to Toronto in four and half days, arriving on New Year's Eve around 7 p.m. If you were following me on Twitter (and if you're not, why aren't you! I'm at @jenniferhillier), you already...
Novel Films Blogfest
Ever wonder what your fellow blog friend sounds like in real life? Click HERE to see my first one-minute vlog, in which I manage not to swear once (at least not in the final, edited version). Admittedly, I'm not much of a joiner when it comes to blogfests (though I...
ThrillerFest 2011 – Day 2
Warning: this post contains a ridiculous amount of pictures. But before I get to them, yesterday's winner of a signed hardcover of CREEP is: Jenny @ The Modest Peacock Yay! Jenny, please email me at jennifer (at) jenniferhillier (dot) ca with your mailing address and...