Click to add me to Goodreads! I'm happy to feature my writing friend Jessica Bell today, who's written a book called SHOW & TELL IN A NUTSHELL: Demonstrated Transitions from Telling to Showing. Have you been told there's a little too much telling in your novel?...
cool writer friends
FREAK giveaway!
IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME! It's not August 7th yet, but I do have advance review copies of FREAK to give away, along with a couple of hardcovers of CREEP, and a $50 Amazon gift card. Want to win something? (Don't say no, because that would hurt my feelings!) All...
I love you, Jennifer Bailey
I've been going through a really rough time in my personal life for the past couple of months, and while I don't feel it's appropriate to talk about the specifics of it here on the blog, I can't pretend it isn't happening. While I've managed to keep my head down and...
I’m a literary person you absolutely need to know!
Did you see, did you see? I'm named as one of Dead End Follies' Ten Literary People That You Absolutely Need To Know! I'm super flattered. Thanks, Ben. Some publishing stuff: FREAK is officially in production. After a couple of rounds of intense revisions (mostly big...