Poor Book Two. Imagine being written and revised, and revised some more, and a year passes, and you've never once had the right title. If you were Book Two, a year old, and you had no title, you'd feel like a FREAK. And the writer feels like a FREAK, too. Because...
Book Two
Six random things I love right now
This is pure randomness, but you don't mind, right? Six things I'm loving right now: 1. Good reviews in unexpected places I got the most amazing review of CREEP on my friend GYSC's blog, Economic Disconnect, last Saturday. He sent my book to one of...
Live from the octagon: Jenny vs. Book Two
I'm back! And I've actually missed blogging. Just wish I had more time and energy for it. So last we talked, I was getting my ass kicked by my book. I can't even exaggerate – over the past few weeks, I've had a knock down, drag out, dirty ass fight with Book Two....
Everything I’m feeling right now…
... is captured perfectly right here: A second book is actually more a test than the first. Not in how well it’s written—although some writers manage to triumph over all these odds and produce stellar sophomore efforts. But the second book is where the writer screws...