Jennifer Hillier

shameless self-promotion

THE BUTCHER is coming

Edward Shank is retired, widowed, and living a boring life in the old folks' home. The former Chief of Police is a Seattle legend, having gunned down the infamous Beacon Hill Butcher back in 1985, finally putting an end to the grisly serial murders that plagued the...


Do you love thrillers? You could win 23 thrillers by 24 authors, including my book, FREAK! Just click HERE to enter: Contest ends on October 16. * * *

New York epic-ness and another ThrillerFest

I pretty much ate my way through NYC this past weekend, but do I regret it? Hell no. ThrillerFest is always a great reason to go to New York, which is my second favorite US city, and the food always enriches the experience for me. I also got to hang with my friends,...

Toronto Book Lover’s Ball

I had the most amazing, magical time at the Book Lover's Ball last night, which is an event to support the Toronto Public Library (which just happens to be the the busiest urban library in the world). I was invited to to attend the ball as a "celebrity author" (don't...
