Jennifer Hillier

cool writer friends

Talking to myself

Come on, we all talk to ourselves, usually when nobody's looking. Right? RIGHT? No? Seriously? I'm at my friend Karen Peterson's blog today, interviewing myself about CREEP, agents, editors, and Snooki! Be sure to stop by!

Worst Movies Ever Blogfest

Before we get to the good stuff, Carrie Butler has won a signed hardcover of CREEP! Carrie, please email me at jennifer (at) jenniferhillier (dot) ca so I can mail out your book! And now... The ultra-cool Alex J. Cavanaugh has challenged bloggers everywhere to come up...

Panty Meme (sorry, Mom)

So much for putting my best face forward. But mind you, this is all in good fun. Fellow thriller writer Nancy S. Thompson has boldly tagged me in this crazy panty meme, and I never back down from a challenge! This was definitely an exercise in being silly...
