10. It's about zombies. 9. It's on right after Dexter (on a different channel), which makes for a perfect Sunday evening of TV-watching. 8. With only six episodes this season, a lot happens in an hour. 7. It's appropriately gory. You can't have a series about zombies...
stuff I love
The Monster you could smell like
Thanks to my friend Joy for sending this to me. She knows what a huge fan I am of the Old Spice Guy (click here for the original commercial). Hope it makes you laugh! Today's Wednesday! I'm posting at Killer Chicks, and the question I'm asking is,...
Hungry for more
I admit it, I don't read a lot of YA, but I am an unabashed fan of Suzanne Collins' HUNGER GAMES trilogy. Count me in as one of the many fans eagerly awaiting the third book, MOCKINGJAY, which will be released on August 24th. Yes, I've pre-ordered...
Is it wrong that I want Steve to smell like Old Spice?
Favorite commercial of ALL TIME!