It's Banned Books Week, friends! What does this mean? Here's an explanation from the American Library Association: Banned Books Week: Celebrating the Freedom to Read September 25−October 2, 2010 (reposted from the website) Banned Books Week (BBW) is an annual...
Reading 101
Kickin’ it old school
You know you're a geek when you're no longer in school but you drop big bucks on two textbooks and can't wait for them to be delivered. Check out what I ordered (and yes, I'm ridiculously anxious for them to get here): Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics,...
I’m not a traitor
I swear I'm not. I still love the smell, the feel, the weight, the crispness, the colors, and the fact that you can dog-ear the pages. I love the way they look on my shelves. I love collecting fancy and not-so-fancy bookmarks for the sole purpose of...
Hungry for more
I admit it, I don't read a lot of YA, but I am an unabashed fan of Suzanne Collins' HUNGER GAMES trilogy. Count me in as one of the many fans eagerly awaiting the third book, MOCKINGJAY, which will be released on August 24th. Yes, I've pre-ordered...