I finally finished the first draft of my current novel. 98,255 words and 366 pages. YAY! It happened late Friday night after what I call a "PUSH PUSH PUSH!" session. Sometimes writing is inspired, sometimes it's sweat, and sometimes it's just running...
Slow and steady
It's been raining steadily in Seattle for the past few days, and the forecast is calling for steady rain for the rest of the week. I think for Seattleites, this must not be a big deal. I can imagine that if you grew up here, you'd be used to it. It...
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily…
2,675 new words today for the WIP (work in progress). BAM! That's pretty damned productive, if I do say so myself. I'm trying to make up a little ground since I didn't work on MAGNOLIA at all yesterday. It's day three of NaNoWriMo and already I'm a few hundred...
I wish I knew how to quit you
I spent four hours yesterday trying to write a basic three-act outline for the sequel to CREEP (tentatively titled THE CHASE), but it wasn't working and I gave up. The seed of an idea is there, but it doesn't seem to want to evolve into anything more. Simply...