Jennifer Hillier

the writer’s life

I love you, Jennifer Bailey

I've been going through a really rough time in my personal life for the past couple of months, and while I don't feel it's appropriate to talk about the specifics of it here on the blog, I can't pretend it isn't happening. While I've managed to keep my head down and...

New house, new writing space

I realized last Friday as the moving truck was pulling up (did you see the size of that thing? Safe to say the neighbors all know we're here!) that this is my 13th move. And moving-in day was Friday the 13th. So I figure this is either going to be the luckiest place...


Why is it Mondays in January are more blah than Mondays in any other month? I'm still staying at my mom's and it looks like I'll be here for the rest of the week. My ass is beginning to hurt because I've been sitting on her very nice-looking (but not super...

Pinball wizard

Happy new year! I am once again a Canadian resident. We made the drive from Seattle to Toronto in four and half days, arriving on New Year's Eve around 7 p.m. If you were following me on Twitter (and if you're not, why aren't you! I'm at @jenniferhillier), you already...
