Jennifer Hillier


99,588 is my new favourite number

One more quick run-through in the morning and it's out of my hair. I don't know what I'm more excited about – finishing the manuscript and feeling like it's the best it's ever been, or knowing that I can get back to work on my other novel. Do I have to pick?

The Incredible Shrinking Manuscript!

Another all-nighter, but what can you do. My book is sitting at a lean, mean 99,900 words.  And I'm not quite finished with the edits.  But for sure on Saturday, it will be off my desk and in my agent's inbox. And then I can go to Las Vegas with nothing...

I’m alive!

I've finally climbed my way out of my flu fog and am feeling mentally more like my normal self, if not so much physically.  I don't get sick very often, but when I do, I get slammed.  At least this year it didn't turn into anything more serious, and I didn't...


I just realized I've been writing every day for fourteen days straight, for about five hours a day.  And I had bronchitis for thirteen of those days.  Is there something the matter with me? Oh wait, I know.  It doesn't feel like work. It doesn't pay...
