I don't know about you, but I don't do any research at all during a first draft. I'm very single-minded in the early stages of a book, and my focus is on getting the story down as quickly as possible before I lose my mojo. So I pretty much write all my first drafts in...
Research 101
Monday musings
I spent the last few days in Portland, Oregon, and you know there's no way I can be in Portland and not stop at Powell's. The Kindle simply can't compete with an indie book store the size of a city block, and who doesn't love the smell of books? Here's what I...
Kickin’ it old school
You know you're a geek when you're no longer in school but you drop big bucks on two textbooks and can't wait for them to be delivered. Check out what I ordered (and yes, I'm ridiculously anxious for them to get here): Practical Homicide Investigation: Tactics,...
The horrible stuff I read for educational purposes
I've been doing a lot of research on serial killers lately. Some random facts: Luis Garavito from Colombia is thought to have killed the most people ever. Convicted of killing 138 boys, the actual number could be over 300. Most of his victims were street...