Jennifer Hillier

Little Brown UK

Happy Halloween! Oh, and I’m at today…

It's no secret I love Halloween. I love Halloween so much I'm being interviewed about it over at today. CLICK HERE TO GO THERE. Life has been crazy lately. Between finishing up FREAK (which is very nearly done – I'm hoping to hand it in to my...

The unveiling of my UK cover!

First! Congratulations to Julie Geistfeld, who's won a signed hardcover of CREEP! Julie, please email me at jennifer @ jenniferhillier (dot) ca and I'll get your book out right away. And now! I'm excited to reveal the cover of the UK edition of CREEP, which will...

Little Brown/Sphere UK is publishing CREEP!

It's dancing banana time! There's nothing emo about me today... Sphere, an imprint of Little Brown UK, will be publishing CREEP in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand (as well as their other export territories) in paperback this December. I'm so excited! Have a...
