I survived the holidays.
I had a whirlwind trip home to Toronto, complete with three separate Christmas dinners, lots of gift exchanges, a fair amount of red wine consumption, a lot of driving (but not while the wine was being consumed) and a whole lot of laughing, teasing, nitpicking, and bitching.
But I also love coming back to the Northwest. I love the quiet and the stillness after all that noise and commotion. I can write here. I can barely think there.
And speaking of writing, my six-week marinate for the new book officially ends today. GAH. Ask me if I’m ready to tackle revisions. Go ahead, ask me. I had such a hard time unwinding in December, but now, I’m so relaxed I’m a puddle. It’s going to be hell getting back into work mode.
I did, however, manage to get my first draft printed off at Kinko’s. Time to bust out the purple pen (draft #2 is always done on paper) and start restructuring! In about a month, this draft won’t even be recognizable. Hopefully. Because it really needs to go from Shitty to Not So Shitty.
Oh, and I did finally come up with a working title as I was finishing the draft back in November: ANGEL FACE. We’ll see if it sticks.