It’s Free-For-All Friday at Killer Chicks, and the question of the day is:
If you were going to kill somebody, what weapon would you choose?
We’re dying to know (pun intended). So hop on over to Killer Chicks and tell us what your scary little mind is thinking.
On a more serious note…
It’s been a really interesting week. I ended up changing three characters’ names in CREEP. I know! You’d think it’d be a little late for that, right? But I got to thinking. One character shares the last name of an entire family of Steve’s relatives (I honestly didn’t notice till I was re-reading my manuscript on the Kindle last weekend), another character shares the surname of an old friend (Steve caught this), and the third name references somebody famous (won’t tell you who). So I asked my editor about it, and while she didn’t think it was anything to be super concerned about, we agreed that maybe name changes were in order just to be on the safe side.
Surprisingly, the name changes don’t bother me at all. And I’m the Queen of Getting Really Attached To My Characters Just As I Originally Wrote Them. Though I’ll probably forget and refer to the characters by their old names and confuse people.
I also heard from my editor about other exciting things that are going on with the book… but I’ll save that for Monday’s Status Check on the Killer Chicks blog.
Another week full of WIN. Surely this can’t last.
Have a great weekend, everyone!