Kayla: Just so you know, I’m not a kid anymore.
Me: Really? Then what are you?
Kayla: I’m a pre-teen.
Me: Cool. So then in three years you’ll be a teen.
Kayla: Yes. And then four years after that I’ll be a pre-adult.
Me: Wow. Pre-adult. And then when do you become an adult?
Kayla: Eighteen. Or twenty-one. Depends how mature I am.
Grandmother, piping in: What comes after adult? Or is that it?
Kayla: After adult, there’s pre-senior. Then senior, like you.
Grandmother: Then what’s after senior? Dead?
Kayla: No. There’s senior, then there’s pre-dead. And then there’s dead.
Me: And then that’s it.
Kayla, annoyed: No. There’s pre-dead, then there’s dead, and then there’s BURIED.