I’m here! I’m alive! Didn’t mean to worry the five of you who check in every day.
So it’s Thursday, and I’m getting to the end of another burn-out week. I’ve just wrapped up what will (hopefully) be the final revision of the book. It needs one more check for any weird formatting errors that sometimes pop up for no discernible reason in MS Word. If my agent is happy, we’re going on sub. If she’s not, it’s another round of revisions.
I’ve also been working on cleaning up some of my new WIP, which my agent also asked to see… and that’s all I can really say about that. Though I must say a public thank-you to my friend Jen, who came up with an awesome name for my serial killer.
In other news…
I ordered a bunch of books from B&N that finally came yesterday. I love it when there’s a box of books waiting on my doorstep. It’s like Christmas, no joke! In keeping with my YA trend, I’ll be reading SHIVER by Maggie Steifvater and WINTERGIRLS by Laurie Halse Anderson over the next couple of weeks. I also bought THE HOST by Stephenie Meyer. I’m curious to see if her adult fiction voice is different from her YA voice.
I also bought Julia Child’s cookbook. I’m planning to cook something from it this weekend, and I’ll let you know how that goes. (Hint: I’ve never made anything French before. Ever.)