Jennifer Hillier


Ten reasons to love AMC’s The Walking Dead

10. It's about zombies. 9. It's on right after Dexter (on a different channel), which makes for a perfect Sunday evening of TV-watching. 8. With only six episodes this season, a lot happens in an hour. 7. It's appropriately gory. You can't have a series about zombies...

The Monster you could smell like

Thanks to my friend Joy for sending this to me.  She knows what a huge fan I am of the Old Spice Guy (click here for the original commercial).  Hope it makes you laugh! Today's Wednesday!  I'm posting at Killer Chicks, and the question I'm asking is,...

Ten things I don’t care about

Saw a great list on Hey, There's a Dead Guy in the Living Room last week, and thought I'd follow suit. Here are 10 things I couldn't give a crap about: 10.  Tiger Woods (his game, or his personal life) 9.  Baseball (sorry, Steve) 8.  Snooki 7.  The...

Top ten movies I liked just as much as the books

Holy crap, there are movies I liked JUST AS MUCH as the books?  A rare statement from a writer, to be sure, but sometimes Hollywood gets it right. Sometimes. Here are my top 10 picks (and before you think mean thoughts, this does not mean I liked the movies...
