Jennifer Hillier


What a difference a letter makes

You mess up one little letter and the whole message changes... Hi Sweatie, how's your day going? I'll be rotting for you! Are you trying to butted me up? Party popper. I'm so glad we're fiends. See, this is why text messages make me laugh.  Have you ever received...

It’s Friday…

And I'm not here because I'm trying to finish my book.  I'm soooo close. PLEASE wish me luck.  I can't tell you much I need to be finished this first draft.  If I finish the book by Wednesday (my personal deadline), champagne for everyone!  Er,...

Introducing: First Line Fridays!

JB Lynn had a terrific post about famous first lines on Tuesday, and it sparked a fun idea.  Play along! If this photo was the cover of a novel, what would the first line of the story be? Here's my first line: The statue turned his head toward the sound of the...

Top Ten Tuesday on Friday: Things I Wish I Could Do

I just realized that I didn't do a Top Ten Tuesday post this week.  Of course, me and the gals were launching Killer Chicks, but still.  Why didn't you say anything? Here are ten things I wish I could do, but can't, for various reasons which may or may not...
