Jennifer Hillier

Publishing 101

Author Revealed

Simon & Schuster asked me to fill out this questionnaire, which is now posted on my S&S author page. But I thought I'd post them here as well for your smirking eye-rolling oh-man-she's-so-predictable amusement. Revealing Questions Q. How would you describe...

How does it feel to read reviews of my work?

Pretty much the same way it felt when I was querying. My heart starts pounding, my throat goes dry, my hands shake, my stomach churns. It's possible I might throw up a little. The anticipation is agonizing. Is the review going to be good? Is it going to be bad? A...

Library Journal’s review of CREEP!

From Library Journal: When psychology professor Sheila Tao decides to break off an affair with one of her graduate students because of a growing relationship with another man, she discovers that her student is unbalanced. As his threatening behavior escalates, Sheila...

Why CREEP changed from trade paperback to hardcover

A few of my extra-observant friends have noticed that when you click to pre-order CREEP from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Chapters Indigo (or any of the other bookseller sites, for that matter), CREEP is listed as a hardcover release. And these same friends were...
