So please be kind! I'm trying to step out of my comfort zone, which is scary as hell! I thought it would be good for me to try something different, but I'm a total newbie at this video stuff. And I did this at night, so the lighting's a bit serial killer-ish...
Publishing 101
Little Brown/Sphere UK is publishing CREEP!
It's dancing banana time! There's nothing emo about me today... Sphere, an imprint of Little Brown UK, will be publishing CREEP in the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand (as well as their other export territories) in paperback this December. I'm so excited! Have a...
The pressure of expectation
One of my best friends is single, and the one question she hates – but gets asked all the time – is, "Are you seeing anybody?" She still hasn't come up with a witty answer, because let's face it, the question sucks. When you're in your thirties, people...
How do I feel?
For the past two weeks, since a certain book was released, the question I've been asked most frequently is, "How do you feel?" I have an auto-reply (which I verbalize) and the honest reply (which I don't verbalize, but which I secretly think). Here's the auto-reply:...