Just about every response to my Champagne wishes and caviar dreams post yesterday at Killer Chicks made me smile. I'm glad I'm not the only one who dreams big. Because really, what's wrong with wanting it all? What's wrong with imagining the...
literary agents
Meet my agent, Victoria Skurnick
But not here! I've published an interview with her over at Killer Chicks, so be sure to head there for her advice on query letters, her take on the current fiction market, and what songs she'd sing in a karaoke bar (yes, seriously). Interview with Victoria...
Ten not-so-random numbers
Not a top 10 list in the true sense, but an interesting assortment of numbers nonetheless... 7– the number of drafts I wrote before querying agents 96 – the number of queries I sent 10 – the number of requests I received 48 – the number of rejections I received 46 –...
I only found out at 7 a.m. this morning and thought I'd have to sit on it for awhile longer, but since the deal is posted on Publisher's Marketplace, I can announce it here: I'M GETTING PUBLISHED! As posted on PM: Debut Fiction: Jennifer Hillier's CREEP, about a...