I love it when a big box o’ books arrives on my doorstep. And I love it even more when the box is filled with my books.
This is the first package I’ve ever received from the UK. It was very exciting, indeed!
My CREEP UK paperbacks! They’re big! And… flexible!
I love how CREEP looks in paperback. Love love love.
Welcome to the family, paperback CREEP! (Yes, I realize I photograph my books like they’re children, but I can’t help it. They’re gorgeous, if I do say so myself.)
Big thanks to Sphere, my UK publisher, who’ve been so wonderful to work with. My editor, Catherine Burke, is absolutely lovely, and you should follow her on Twitter (@CathBurke_Ed) because she’s so sweet and funny and I love how she says “Hurrah!” instead of “Hooray!”. CREEP will be out on December 22nd in the UK. You can pre-order it now from Amazon UK.
Oh! And in other news (please excuse all the exclamation marks in this post, but sometimes periods just don’t adequately convey my enthusiasm), look what’s available for pre-order on Amazon: FREAK! Which will be released in hardcover on August 7, 2012.
Got good news to share? Or just news? Do tell!