Happy Tuesday!
I don’t know about you, but my brain aches from writing. I really do think the writing part of our brain is like a muscle, and when you haven’t used it in awhile (and I haven’t written any fiction for close to three weeks now), it gets sore the first week back. Totally struggled with my revisions yesterday.
I’m guest posting over at the Guide to Literary Agents Blog today (Chuck Sambuchino’s blog), talking about what I told my family about publishing. Stop by if you get a chance! It’s a tongue-in-cheek look at what my non-writing, well-meaning family thought about publishing when I first ventured down this path.
I also received a great review for CREEP from Quill & Quire! I’ve been really fortunate that CREEP has received such good editorial reviews so far, but this one is extra-special to me, because Quill & Quire is a Canadian magazine. I’m so, so happy my book is in Canada and that my hometown peeps can walk into a Chapters Indigo and buy it. That’s a dream come true. Thank you, Simon & Schuster Canada!
Here’s a portion of the review:
Despite the apparent prurience of the book’s subject matter, Hillier handles Sheila’s addiction with subtlety; the novel is more interested in the nature of addiction than in sex itself. Hillier’s unembellished prose moves Creep briskly along, resulting in a page-turning read. (Read the entire review HERE.)
All right, time to get back to my brain workout. I’m working on my third draft, chapter three today. What are you working on?