Have you ever looked back at where you were a few years ago and been astounded at how much you’ve changed?
Oh. Okay, then. I guess it’s just me.
In all seriousness, my life has changed a lot in the past few years. Four years ago today I was living just outside Toronto and working in the Awards (scholarships) department of a university. Our house was for sale and we were gearing up for a move to Seattle, which was more scary than it was exciting. I was second-guessing our decision to move out of Canada constantly, wondering if it was the right move, wondering if we’d regret selling a house that we loved, wondering if I’d regret leaving a perfectly good job with great benefits, wondering how much I’d miss my family and friends. And admittedly, feeling a tiny little bit resentful that we were doing all this so that Steve (my husband) could take on a new role in his company.
The first year we lived in Seattle was SO STRESSFUL. For lots of reasons. Can’t even lie.
But it got better. Because I’ve actually grown to love the Northwest, and I have a new house which I love more than the old one, and I have a new job (writing) which fulfills me so much more than the old job ever did.
Of course, I still miss the family and friends I left behind, and always will. But we have iPhones and BlackBerrys and long distance plans and we talk – if not see – each other as much as we always did. And I’ve made new friends here, really good people I’d never have met if we hadn’t moved here.
It was the right move.
So tell me… where were you four years ago? Are you where you’ve always been, or has your life shifted, like mine?