I have the Monday blues. Today is Canadian Thanksgiving, which means all of our friends and family in Toronto are getting together and eating big turkey dinners with all the trimmings… and guess what, We’re Not There.
I just want to wish my family and friends (who are most certainly not reading this blog because they have better things to do right now than be on the internet) a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. When you’re bloated and sleepy from too much turkey (or ham), and needing to change into your fat pants and let out a really good belch, please think of me.
And on another note, I must send out a big, fat, hearty congratulations to my writing pal and blog partner JB Lynn, who has some very, very exciting news to share over at Killer Chicks! Be sure to pop by and woohoo her! (Hint: I’m not the only Chick with a book coming out next summer!)