So I’ve started a book club on Facebook. As I’ve written about in previous posts, I’m really trying to get my mojo back for reading. Not just because it makes me a better writer (it does) but because I really do love to read, for entertainment’s sake. I love books more than movies or TV (and that’s saying a lot). And I love to talk about what I’m reading. So why not get a bunch of like-minded folks together? It could be a lot of fun.
It will be a very informal group and everyone, regardless of whether you’ve read ten books or a thousand, is welcome. I don’t plan for it to be pretentious – I detest pretentious! – so don’t go thinking it’ll be a bunch of literary snobs who will only want to read literary fiction. In fact, we’ll be keeping literary to a minimum… think mainstream fiction instead. And genre. Wouldn’t it fun to read genre!
We start March 8th. This month’s book is The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. If you’re interested in joining, please send me a note, or find the Not-So-Serious Book Club page on my Facebook profile and click to join.
Hope to see you there.