Jennifer Hillier

Writing 101

How did you choose your genre?

I don't remember specifically choosing mine. Which, by the way, is psychological suspense/thriller (though I'm sure the cartoon version of me in my blog header, standing in an alleyway beside the words "The Serial Killer Files", gave that away a long time ago). What I...

First Line Friday: Big cats

I just realized I haven't done one of these in awhile! I feel like a quick brain exercise is in order to get the creative juices flowing today. It's been a long, stressful week. Take a look at this photo and tell me what these two lions are talking about. It can be...

My CREEP cover art ROCKS!

But no, I can't show it to you just yet.  (Yes, I'm a tease.)  I'm still waiting on word as to whether the cover is 100% official, and I definitely don't want to jinx it, or scare it away, because I'm so in love with it already.  It really is...

Coffee is the devil

I just had my first cup of coffee in almost two months.  OHMYGOD was it ever good. I've been trying really hard to cut the crap from my diet.  It really isn't a New Year's Resolution, since I started doing this in November, and for the most part I've managed...
