Jennifer Hillier


You know you’re sensitive about your age when…

... you receive a lovely review for CREEP from the Times Publishing Group, and yet... well, first, let me give you an excerpt: This novel marks the debut of Jennifer Hillier. The former Canadian, who now lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, has...

I. AM. CANADIAN. CREEP is in the National Post!

Okay, so I wasn't going to blog this weekend, but I can't help myself. CREEP was reviewed in Canada's National Post today (yes, an actual newspaper, and a "serious one", as my cousin Mel just exclaimed) and I'm once again doing cartwheels. I was pretty damn excited...

Dead End Follies, Fresh Fiction, and Goodreads! Oh my!

Disclaimer: I've been feeling totally weird about posting good reviews of CREEP on this blog. I know I have to get over it because part of the job as a new author is being able to talk about your work in a positive way. But that's not as easy as it sounds. I've been...

How does it feel to read reviews of my work?

Pretty much the same way it felt when I was querying. My heart starts pounding, my throat goes dry, my hands shake, my stomach churns. It's possible I might throw up a little. The anticipation is agonizing. Is the review going to be good? Is it going to be bad? A...
